What to Expect in Your First Class

What to Expect in a Kundalini Yoga Class

Kundalini yoga emphasizes physical and mental strength and spiritual awareness. The practice focuses on raising the energy that is believed to sit at the base of the spine, known as Kundalini, through specific breathing techniques, movements, and postures. Kundalini yoga has been said to help with stress reduction, self-realization, and personal growth.

A typical Kundalini Yoga class consists of a Kriya (a combination of postures, breath work and chanting) followed by deep relaxation and meditation.

Every class is different and offers a unique focus. Some classes will be physical, while others will be slow and meditative.

Postures are typically held for 1-2 minutes with space in between for rest.

Many types of people practice with us, from experienced practitioners to teachers and brand-new students. We are accustomed to accommodating all levels in our classes and extend a warm welcome to you.