We’ve all been there, feeling exhausted, depleted and the need to spend an entire week on the couch watching Netflix. “Why am I so tired?” we ask ourselves, this little voice shouts from within “because you haven’t been looking after yourself “. We quickly lash back with, “yeah, I totally have, I went for a pedicure last week”. Perhaps we should pause for a moment when the voice of our soul speaks to us. The real question is, do we even really know how to serve ourselves first? Do we even listen to the things our body tells us? It’s really easy to get caught up in the things that we think we should be doing, rather than the things that are best for us. Many of us have been conditioned to “do the right thing”. We do something because it may “look bad” if we don’t or it will hurt that person’s feelings or ruffle that person’s feathers. Yes, it is important to consider others, however what about taking care of yourself first? Just like anything else, it takes practice.

THE HUMAN HEART provides an excellent example of self service.  The heart serves the entire body everyday for our whole life, but it will always take care of its own needs first. The heart muscle is made of a unique type of muscle tissue called cardiac muscle. Cardiac muscle has a larger percentage of mitochondria (the power source of the cells) than skeletal muscle and does not fatigue. This tireless service cannot happen unless the heart itself is nourished first. When the oxygen-rich blood leaves the heart it travels through the aorta and out to the body. The first branch of the aorta superhighway of blood is back to the muscles of the heart via the coronary arteries. The heart serves itself first. If the heart can do it, so can we.


  • Listen to your body: When something feels “off’ take a moment to pay attention and establish what is really going on within you. Take a few moment to pay attention to the cues that your body is giving you.
  • Picture yourself in the situation: Picture yourself at the event or at the supper, whatever it may be. How do you feel? Are you tired, angry or irritated? How does your body feel?
  • It’s ok to say no: If something does not align with your values or you simply desire some time to rest, saying no is ok. Those who care about you and your well being will respect your choice.
  • Do things that feed your soul: Learn about the things that make you feel good. Become aquatinted with how your body feels when you are doing something that feeds your soul.
  • Start! Once you have established that you need to pay attention to serving yourself first, things will change. Awareness is the first step!
  • Meditate: Meditation is a great way to take time for yourself while calming the mind and nervous system
  • You are in charge of your life: At the end of the day if you feel confident that you have made the right choices for yourself, you are on the right track