Inner conflict is the result of excess or disturbed prana. In this meditation, the breath pattern holds the breath out three times as long as it is held in. The body senses a lack of prana and learns to optimally reorganize itself to respond to this survival threat. The fibres of the Pranic Body reach out and re-organize the prana to form a new pattern filled with clarity and efficiency. 

Place your hands on your chest, with your palms down. The fingers point toward each other across the chest.

Inhale completely for 5 seconds. Exhale completely for 5 seconds. Then hold the breath out for 15 seconds, lift the chest out as you pull in the navel point.

To end: Inhale deeply and stretch the arms up over the head. Exhale as you shake your arms and hands for 15 seconds.

Meditate for 3 – 11 minutes.