Code of Ethics

Studio Sat Nam is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all practitioners. We recognize that practicing yoga can involve physical, emotional, and mental vulnerabilities, and we take this responsibility seriously. Our approach is rooted in respect, consent, and inclusivity, providing a supportive space where everyone can explore their practice without fear of judgment or harm. By fostering a culture of empathy and understanding, we strive to create a sanctuary where individuals can deepen their connection to themselves and others in a compassionate and secure space.

Studio Sat Nam recognizes the sensitive nature of the student-teacher relationship, particularly the power dynamics that favour the teacher. Consequently, we believe that it is the responsibility of the yoga teacher to ensure a safe environment in which a student can grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. To safeguard students within this potentially vulnerable connection, we embrace the following:

  • We provide realistic information about the benefits of yoga, we refrain from diagnosing health or mental issues.
  • We respect students’ moral, social, and religious beliefs, refraining from imposing personal beliefs in our space.
  • We acknowledge the trust students place in us and the influence we hold. We commit to not exploiting this trust or engaging in personal relationships that could compromise our professionalism or impair our judgment.
  • Sexual relations with students are prohibited, regardless of consent or invitation.
  • Harassment of any kind toward students or our team will not be tolerated.
  • We treat all student communications with professional confidentiality.
  • We disclose student confidences only as mandated by law, to prevent harm, in legal proceedings where the teacher is involved, for supervision or consultation purposes, or with prior written consent.